Powerful Dua to Marry Someone You Love (Dua to Marry by Choice)

Assalamu’alaikum to all our readers, we deeply appreciate your trust in YaqeenDua and we promise that we will do everything to keep it by providing effective and helpful Duas.

Today, we bring you a halal and powerful Dua to Marry Someone You Love with clear steps and guidance for those who wish to marry someone they love but are facing obstacles in achieving their dream.

Powerful Dua to Marry Someone You Love

This article discusses how you can make dua to get Allah’s help and blessings in marrying the person you love by providing guidance based on the holy Quran and Islamic teachings.

In Islam, marriage is Sunnah and an important part of life. If you wish to marry someone you love, then this dua can help you fulfill your wish. In a Hadith, the Messenger of Allah said:

“Marriage is part of my sunnah, and whoever does not follow my sunnah has nothing to do with me.

Reference:- Sunan Ibn Majah 1846

This Dua to Marry Someone You Love is deeply researched and tested by many people, and I want to share the real story of one of them named “Afzal”. Afzal had been in love with his childhood friend, they grew up together and shared countless memories.

As time went on Afzal’s affection turned into a sincere wish to marry and spend his life with her. But things started getting worse after he expressed his feelings to her family.

He faced a strong pushback because of different family backgrounds, which made things difficult and worse. Afzal was confused and did not know what to do next.

But miraculously Allah brought him to us and then we suggested to him this “Dua to Marry Someone You Love” and the correct way of performing this dua.

Afzal was determined to seek Allah’s help to fulfill his wish of marrying his friend, So he started praying our given dua after each (Salah) prayer every day.

Although he faced many challenges, he never gave up. Afzal shared with us that he prayed for her family, asking Allah to soften their hearts.

And guess what? within a month her family accepted him. With the blessings of Allah, her family finally agreed and they both got married without any problem.

Like Afzal, many of you experience deep, genuine love for someone and dream of building a future together by marrying each other.

But what should you do if obstacles stand in the way, or if you face challenges in marrying with the one you love?

Don’t worry we are here to help you, if you want to marry someone you love and spend your life together but are facing obstacles such as parental disapproval, inter-caste issues, or rejections, then this powerful Dua is for you.

This Dua to marry someone you love will help you if you face difficulties in getting marry the person you love. Additionally, this Dua can help you reconcile with your lover if there are issues between both of you. If you truly want to marry your beloved, this Dua will assist in convincing both your lover and family.

By the end of this article, you’ll learn how to perform this dua properly with patience, consistency, and trust in Allah to achieve your heartfelt desire to marry someone you love.

Some Rules Should be Followed Before You Recite Dua to Marry Someone You Love

If any of my brothers and sisters want to pray this dua to marry someone you love, before starting to recite this dua, take a look at the given rules.

By following the rules you can ensure that you are doing it in a halal manner to get the blessings of Allah Ta’ala and the full benefits of this dua.

Purity and IntentionsStart by ensuring that you are in a state of wudu (ablution) and that your intentions are pure. The purity of your heart plays an important role in the acceptance of the dua.
Dua RecitationsConsistently performing these dua phrases multiple times daily shows your dedication and trust in Allah.
Right Time for DuaTiming is important in making Dua. Some of the most effective times include: After each obligatory prayer (Salah)
Visualize and PrayVisualize a positive future with the one you love and want to marry while making dua, asking Allah to create love and mutual understanding between you and that person.
Consistency and PatienceRepetition over several days (often recommended for 11 to 15 days) is essential.
Avoid Negative IntentionsMake sure your intentions are positive and free of any forcefulness. Dua should come from a place of respect for the other person’s feelings and free will.
Avoid During MenstruationWomen should avoid reciting this dua during menstruation.

So these are some important rules which should be followed before starting the dua. Whenever you start praying, keep these rules in mind.

Rules to Recite Dua to Marry Someone You Love
Rules to follow to Recite Dua to Marry Someone You Love

10 Important Steps to Perform Dua to Marry Someone You Love

So here is the dua to marry someone you love with step-by-step guidance. Recite it if you want to marry someone you love:-

  1. Begin by taking a shower or (Wudhu) before starting the Dua.
  2. Position yourself facing the direction of Qibla.
  3. Praise Allah and send blessings on Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
  4. Hold your partner’s picture in your hand.
  5. Recite Darood Sharif 11 times.
  6. Recite the 99 names of Allah.
  7. Place a few drops of Zamzam water on your partner’s picture.
  8. Recite the Surah Al-Furqan 25:74, 21 times. Recite: Wallazeena yaqooloona Rabbanaa hab lanaa min azwaajinaa wa zurriyaatinaa qurrata a’yuninw waj ‘alnaa lilmuttaqeena Imaamaa
  9. Recite the name of the person you wish to marry 3 times.
  10. Conclude by praying to Almighty Allah Ta’ala to fulfill your wish of marrying your chosen partner. Or you can pray this personal Dua: “Allahumma in kunta ta‘lam anna (person’s name) khayrun li fi deeni wa dun-yaya wa ma‘aashi wa ‘aaqibatu amri, faqdurhu li wajma‘ baynana fee khayr. Waj‘al baynana mawaddatan wa rahmah, wabarik lana fi mustaqbalina, wa yassir lana az-zawaj al-halal. Ameen.”

Translation: “O Allah, if You know that (person’s name) is good for me in my faith, my life, my future, and in the end, then decree them for me and bring us together in goodness. Place love and mercy between us, bless our future together and make our marriage easy and lawful. Ameen.”

Note:- It is better to recite this Dua before Asr Namaz.

Recite this dua with full faith and trust in Allah Ta’ala, every day before Asr namaz for 11 days, without missing a single day. If you do it correctly and with pure intentions, you will get results within those 11 days.

If somehow you face any problem in reciting this dua, then you can take proper guidance from our Maulana Iftikhar Ahmed Siddiqui.

With 25+ years of experience as an Islamic scholar, he can guide you well about this dua to marry someone you love and help you to get the best results. Contact him via Instagram and WhatsApp.

10 Important Steps to Perform Dua to Marry Someone You Love
Steps to Perform Dua to Marry Someone You Love

Benefits of Dua to Marry Someone You Love

There are many benefits of this dua, performing this dua to marry someone you love sincerely can be a beautiful and life-changing journey, leading to the possibility of marriage with the person you love, but it can also strengthen your faith and trust in Allah Ta’ala. Here are some beautiful benefits:-

  • The most beautiful benefit of this dua is that you will be united in marriage with the person you love.
  • This dua is very helpful in removing the obstacles coming in the way of the marriage of your choice.
  • If you want to marry someone you love, then this dua has the miraculous power to give you results in a very short period.
  • This beautiful dua is Quranic and Halal, it can be recited by anyone who wants to get married as per their choice in a Halal way.
  • If your family or your loved one’s family is not accepting your marriage, this dua can soften their hearts.
  • If the person you love is rejecting your marriage proposal then this dua can help you to make him/her agree and realize your positive and good character.

This dua has already helped many people who want to marry by their choice. If you are struggling to marry the person you love then try this dua to marry someone you love.

With the blessings of Allah, you will see your parents and relatives agreeing and supporting your choice of marriage.

How will the Dua to Marry the Person You Love Work For You?

Dua to Marry the Person You Love is a powerful way of seeking Allah’s guidance and blessings in uniting you with your loved one in a lawful (halal) way. These Powerful duas invoke Allah’s mercy and wisdom, ensuring that your intentions align with His divine plan.

By consistently making this dua, you open a door of communication with Allah to express your sincere and pure desire to marry the one you love. These duas can help you soften the heart of the person you love and want to marry by removing unwanted obstacles.

Right Way to Perform Dua to Marry the Person You Love

Performing Dua to marry the person you love is a heartfelt process that requires sincerity, strong faith, and trust in Allah. Here is a step-by-step guide to ensure your dua is made in the right manner:

  • Have Pure Intentions: Make sure your intentions are pure before making dua. Ask yourself if the person you wish to marry is truly good for you and your deen (faith), dunya (worldly life), and akhirat (Hereafter).
  • Perform Istikhara: Pray the Salat-ul-Istikhara (prayer for guidance) to seek Allah’s help in making the best decision.
  • Maintain Wudu (Ablution): Performing dua in a state of cleanliness reflects respect and readiness to present your request before Allah.
  • Choose the Best Time: Make your dua when Duas are more likely to be accepted.
  • Start with Praise and Salawat: Begin by praising Allah and sending salawat (blessings) upon the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). This increases the likelihood of your dua being accepted.
  • Recite Surah Al-Qasas: Recite the following verse from Surah Al-Qasas-28:24, “Rabbi inni lima anzalta ilayya min khayrin faqeer.” (“My Lord, indeed I am, for whatever good You would send down to me, in need.”) Repeat this verse 33 times after each salah, Do this consistently for 15 days while maintaining sincerity and trust in Allah.
  • Make Specific Dua: Use your heartfelt words to ask Allah for this person. You can say: “O Allah, if [person’s name] is good for my deen, my dunya, and my akhira, then bring them into my life in a way that is pleasing to You.

Keep performing this dua by following the given steps for 15 days to get the desired results, and to marry the person you love. Performing dua to marry the person you love is more than just a request.

It’s a powerful act of worship that deepens your connection with Allah (SWT). Trust that He hears your every word and knows what is best for your heart, your faith and your future.

Stay strong in your faith, be patient, and let your dua show your complete trust in Allah’s perfect plan.

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